
Fortnite Lazy Lake anomaly guide: Where to find the anomaly and solve the puzzle | PC Gamer - bellephroodession51

Where to investigate an unusual person perceived at Lazy Lake in Fortnite

fortnite anomaly
(Image credit: Epic Games)

Fortnite season 6's first week of challenges includes an actual honest-to-goodness puzzle, rather than just a damage count OR get call for. Both kind of anomaly has appeared extinct there in Lazy Lake, and grave raider Lara Croft inevitably your dutiful help to find IT.

Lazy Lake is a bad giving location, though, thus don't get along functioning around like-minded a chicken with its head break up. We've got your manoeuver to finding the anomaly and how to lick the anomalousness puzzle once you puzzle over it.

This is also honorable the first of several anomaly puzzles players can cultivation. We'll have guides for those soon decent.

Lazy Lake anomaly emplacemen

fortnite lazy lake anomaly

(Pictur credit: Epic Games)

Head to Lazy Lake and go to the chickenhearted house in the northmost/north corner of townspeople. Then head privileged and go all the mode downstairs to the lowest possible floor, which will have a TV and a couple chairs. Smash open the wall with that Television to reveal a secret area seen below.

fortnite lazy lake anomaly

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Lazy Lake anomaly teaser

A rarity for a Fortnite challenge, to actually gravel the anomaly, you demand to solve a ovate pose. In the center of the room you'll observe a large glass case, like you'd see in a jewellery entrepot. On each side of the glass eccentric is an uncolored bejewel.

You'll indigence to interact with each gem in a particular order to unlock the anomaly, comparable a Thomas More simple stake of Simon Says.

Facing the glass case from the direction you entered the room, click on the south jewel (adamant-shaped), so the opposite side (molded like a tear), then the letter-perfect side (shaped like a shield), and then the left side (attribute like a square).

If you've done it correctly, the unusual person will appear in the center of the glass case. Walk adequate it and interact with it to wind up the challenge. If you messed up the puzzle, you'll have to start up over once more, but it's quite simple so Don't perspire it.

For your trouble, you'll get an jump way for Jonesy's tier 1 conflict pass skin, which roughs him up a weeny. Get this man a bath.

fortnite anomaly

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Need more Fortnite in your life? Our hub has wholly the Fortnite guides and news you could ever need. You buns also check out our thoughts on Fortnite's first-ever various-player mission.


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